A downloadable game for Windows

Big Hat's Backyard Photographic Safari is a game developed for Australian Urban Growers to entertain and educate students on biodiversity in line with Australia's Year 7 Biological sciences curriculum.

A safari experience at home delivered via compelling yet easy to use game mechanics designed for accessibility across laptops, desktops and tablets.

The Brisbane environment springs to life on a rotatable diorama, with zoom lens photography, and a scrapbook for saving your snaps. Players use their observation skills to identify native animals and are rewarded with curious scientific facts.

Big Hat's Backyard Photographic Safari will help Year 7 students make the connection between science education and their own backyards and inspire students to pursue further science studies and careers aligned with preserving biodiversity.

Programming by Alex Lawer

2D Art by Jackie Nguyen

3D Art by Liam Nash

Design by James Keller

Created in IGB200 (Game Studio 2: Applied Game Development as part of QUT's Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments.


Big Hat.zip 45 MB